What is KeyLess technology?
The KeyLess tech. allows the car to be opened and started without the need for a physical key.
The key emits a signal, which is picked up by the car, allowing it to be opened and started.
Unfortunately, this signal can be intercepted by criminals using specialized equipment.

Faults of KeyLess system
Criminals can use a technology called “relay attack”. It involves intercepting the signal from the key, even if it is inside the home or office.
The signal is then transmitted to a device at the car, allowing it to be opened and started.
The process takes only a few seconds and can take place without any knowledge of the owner.

Protected by James
The key to your car safety
What is a Faraday cage?
A Faraday cage is a device that blocks radio signals to protect keys from interception.
These are metal covers that form a tight barrier to radio signals, preventing them from penetrating inside and out.
With this solution, criminals are unable to intercept key signals.

Benefits of using James Key Box
Enhanced security
The key placed in the Faraday cage is fully protected from signal interception.
Easy to use
The instruction is to simply place the key in the Faraday cage for protection.
Versatile use
Faraday cages can be used to secure a variety of RF-emitting devices, such as cell phones and payment cards.