
  • Additional Service: Available when purchasing a movable item (James Key Box).
  • Cost: PLN 20 gross.**
  • Description:
    • Includes an inscription of up to 20 characters total, with a maximum of 10 characters per line.
    • Spaces count as characters.
    • The inscription will be imprinted in leather on the lid of the ordered product.
  • Allowed Characters:
    • Letters from the Polish alphabet.
    • Letters Q, V, and X.
    • Arabic numerals (0-9).
  • Letter Case: Capital letters only.
  • Preview: No preview available in the configurator version.
  • Personalization Process:
    • To personalize, select the “YES” option next to “Personalization” on the order form.
    • Indicate the inscription in the first or second line.
    • Inscription can be in two lines with a spacing of 7 mm between lines.
  • Character Height: 7 mm.
  • Order Acceptance:
    • The seller will not accept orders that violate the law, good manners, or social coexistence rules.
  • Refusal and Resignation:
    • If the seller refuses or is unable to complete the inscription, the buyer must declare within 2 working days if they wish to cancel the order or proceed without personalization.
    • If no declaration is made, the order will be processed without personalization, and the payment for personalization will be refunded.
  • Order Processing Time:
    • Personalization does not affect the order processing time.
    • For atypical inscriptions or cases of repeated characters, the seller will agree on the order processing time with the buyer.

** Sub-item obsolete as of 16/09/2024, which is free personalized embossing!
Change valid for a limited time only.